This Certificate is good for
- INCLUDES: Fitness Evaluation
- Perfect for midlife fitness - Slow down aging, play more sports, play more with grandkids and overcome life's setbacks!
- Orthopedically safe and resistance training will leave you feeling younger and moving with greater ease!
- $250 Value
Terms and Conditions
Must have certificate or digital image with you at time of appoinment. No cash value. No refunds, exchange only. To rescheule or cancel you must give 24 hours notice or services will be forfeited. Offer exires 3 months from date of purchase. New clients only.
Are you tired of living a restricted life due to your pain and discomfort?
Over the past few years, I (Nicholas Linn) have been digging deeper into courses searching for answers to this question. Taking Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) and Resistance Training Specialist (RTS) courses have made it clear, muscle weaknesses lead to pain and, in turn, decrease in quality of life. Our central goal is identifying muscular imbalances and the most optimal path to their elimination, so we can then focus on strengthening muscles and joint control, decreasing pain, increasing function and ability to move!
Owning your body and controlling your movement will give you freedom to do the activities and sports that you desire. Muscles are extremely important and influential to all major organs throughout your body. Improving your muscular function and eliminating weak links will increase the overall connection and awareness between body and brain.
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